Kickstarter is over - what now?
We were successfully funded!
Most of the time we had nice conversations with interested persons and backers. In between we had to justify ourselves why we were advertising and “bothering” people with it. But all in all it was a great time, because we got so much more encouragement than negative reactions.
As promised, our backers have already received Early Access. Due to the large number of users, the first reports about bugs are already trickling in, which Danny is busy fixing. A new version with a lot of bug fixes will be released in the next days. If the Early Access version works reliably, the main focus will be on the development of further features.
Since we have not reached any of our stretch goals, we will limit ourselves to the implementation of the following features for now:
- Optimize Performance for Low End Computers
- Native Apple Silicon Support for Macs
- Optimize User-Interface for Sounds and Special Effects Search
- Advanced Special Effects Pack
- More Weather Effects (Fog, Dust, Cloud Shadows)
- Free Monthly 3D-Maps designed by our Team
- Store Sale and Submit-for-Subscription Options for 3rd Party Video & 2D-Image + Map Designer
- Special Lighting Options for Indoor 3D Maps
- Create and Display first person Views of 3D Scenes
- Paint Layer for Highlighting
- Line of Sight & Distance Measure Tool
In order for us to be able to go to market with Infinite Realms, we also need to implement a payment system and research what the correct taxation looks like in the different countries.
Once all this is in place, we will launch the program, probably in the fall of 2022, at which time backers who have purchased a subscription for one or two years or a lifetime subscription will receive a key for the corresponding access.
So there is still a lot of work to do, but we are highly motivated and happy that so many people are already improving their TTRPG with Infinite Realms! We will of course keep you updated throughout the process on our various social media channels and our homepage.
- by Nina