
Main Menu

The Main Menu is the first thing you will encounter once signed in to Infinite Realms. The two most prominent buttons let you either restore (load) or create a new Scenario. Users of the Champion or Hero tiers can also export and import scenarios. Finally you can change your Settings, access your personal Profile and find Help in case something is not working as expected. New Scenario A scenario in Infinite Realms is a collection of one or more maps or scenes.

Handout & Token

The Handout & Token Tab features two handy tools that are not directly part of the map itself and are completely optional. The tab can also be opened via the hotkey H. Handout & Token Tab Handouts Through Handouts, access to a local directory on the hard drive can be obtained from Infinite Realms to display images as handouts. Once a path with images in it has been specified using the Change button, a dropdown with the list of all available files is displayed.