Tabletop Gaming
Projector vs TV Case or Gaming Table
How to bring digital battle maps to the table Projector vs TV Case or Gaming Table on YouTube If you are thinking about using digital battlemaps the first question is: how do I do it? There are two possibilities, either with a TV that you lay flat on the table or with a projector that you hang under the ceiling. We’ve put together the pros and cons of both solutions for you here.
A tour around Forest Creek
Welcome to Forest Creek Here we are, on our first 3D map. It was quite a journey to get here. Get some coffee or tea, grab a pillow and have a comfy seat, as I will be your guide to: Forest Creek. We start at the village, either as villagers that start their adventure or as proven heroes, that had a quest to do here. Are the farmer’s horses there? Did someone poison the well?
Why Kickstarter?
Why we need you for Kickstarter! About 1.5 years ago the idea of Infinite Realms was growing in our heads. We were driven by constant dissatisfaction with existing solutions for RPG tabletop battle maps. We didn’t have a name for our software or a business model yet, but we had a lot of ideas and visions. We knew pretty quickly what effects we wanted in our maps, what we liked in other maps and what we didn’t like at all and what we were missing.
What is Enhanced Tabletop RPG?
Explaining Infinite Realms What is ETT on YouTube Today I’ll show you how to enhance your tabletop RPG experience using Infinite Realms with immersive and handy tools for your classic 2D maps, animated video maps and our all-new ultra-flexible 3d maps! As a Dungeon Master for over 30 years, I’ve been faced with the same question over and over again: how do I provide my players with the most engaging experience at the table?
Fog of War and Grid
Fog of War Who does not know it? Whether the map was included in an adventure or you found a map to match the adventure, as a dungeon master you just don’t want the party members to see everything on that map right away, if only to maintain the element of surprise. Imagine that your party is going through a forest, a cave or a castle. The map is quite big and there is a lot to see, maybe there should be some enemies on there.
Welcome to Infinite Realms
Every roleplayer knows that it can be very tedious to draw every single battlemap by hand when using analog maps. Draw it on dry-erase, play the map, wipe everything away again and draw a new battlemap. In the long run it’s really exhausting. And the best part is that half of the map smudges when you move the tiles on it. It’s nerve-wracking and very unattractive - and it takes a lot of imagination to make sense out of this drawn map.